Volunteer Activities

Me 2nd from the right with my colleagues and volunteers from Afya Foundation

  • Organized a fundraiser internally within Mini-circuits with 4 other colleagues to raise $5,068 assisting a local charity to supply personal protective equipment (PPE) to healthcare facilities.
  • The company, seeing our effort agreed to match the raised amount dollar raising a total of $10,136.



  • Video Gaming
  • Shuffling (Dance form)
  • 3D Printing
  • Building Electronics

Built a Dummy Satellite tracker using 3D printed Antenna and Ardunio

  • Building ships in a bottle

Built a ship inside an old wine bottle

  • Matchstick modeling

Built a 2feet tall miniature Eiffel tower completely from matchsticks

  • Novice Guitar player
  • Solving Puzzles
  • Speed Cubing (3×3 Rubik’s cube)
  • Novice HAM Radio operator (Tag# KD2UII)

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